Surprise! Apple Vision Pro Might Track Your Breathing


With the World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC 2024) just days away, speculation is mounting about what Apple has planned for the big event. One intriguing possibility, based on a new report from MacRumors, is a respiratory tracking feature in the Apple Vision Pro’s Mindfulness app.

How Would Apple’s AR/VR Headset Track Breathing?

According to newly discovered back-end code, the Apple Vision Pro can track a user’s breathing. This discovery was made by Aaron Perris, a contributor to MacRumors, who found lines of code in the Mindfulness app, which offers meditation guides and sessions focusing on the user’s breathing rate.

As MacRumors highlights, the Apple Vision Pro’s ability to track breathing has not been disclosed before. It’s currently unclear if the headset can already do this or if this feature is linked to an upcoming update. The Apple Watch, which can track respiratory rate using its built-in accelerometer, may provide a clue, as the Vision Pro also includes an accelerometer.

Upcoming Announcements at WWDC

Apple is expected to announce the next version of the Apple Vision Pro operating system, visionOS 2, at WWDC . While there’s no confirmation yet on whether respiratory tracking will be part of the announcements, the discovery of this code suggests that such capabilities might be on the horizon .

Implications for Apple Vision Pro

Apple has recently faced challenges with Vision Pro sales, leading the company to revise its shipment expectations for the year. While this new feature alone may not significantly boost sales, it adds to the excitement about what else Apple might unveil at WWDC .

For more details, check out the full reports on MacRumors and Apple’s Official WWDC page.

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